As I’ve been working to update and polish my resume and associated materials, I've realized just how long it’s been since I’ve added to this. Oops. There have been a number of changes the last little while - I’ll write more when things get a more settled.
Right now though, I wanted to mention a pattern I’ve been seeing in my reading. A couple of years ago I was reading The Body Keeps the Score by Dutch psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk. Over and over again, as I was reading, I kept making connections between the author’s work, and typical actor training. The whole mind/body connection made a profound impact, (yes - I need to write it all out.) But then I keep running into many of the same ideas in a variety of sources both in and out of the theatre world. Niki Flack’s Acting With Passion, and Edward Slingerland’s Try Not To Try are a couple of the most recent. It’s all mind/body connections, and being in the moment stuff. If you’re interested, give them a read, and let’s talk about them. I’m going to try and get some thoughts about each of them written down, I’ll post them here when I can.
AuthorWrite something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. Archives
June 2024
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